Powdered silkworm chow
If you do not have fresh mulberry leaves for your silks then you must have our powdered silkworm chow! They can eat two things, and that is fresh mulberry leaves and our powdered silkworm chow! It takes about 6 grams of silkworm food per worm to get to a cocoon. The actual amount may be different depending on how much of the food is left over. You will be able to raise about 38 silkworms to moths with one half pound bag of powder.
Whether you are raising silkworms for silk, breeding, or for high quality feeder insects, we offer the best price online! If you ever have any question please give me an email, I would love to help!
Cooking instructions for powdered silkworm chow
I recommend using glass while cooking so chemicals from the plastics don’t get into to your food (silkworms are very fragile). First, put ½ pound of our powdered silkworm chow into the container you decide to use. Then Put 2 ¾ cups of water per ½ pound of powdered silkworm chow. Stir well until you can no longer see any powder or chunks (even if the chunks are wet the inside is not!) use cling wrap on the container so moisture doesn’t get out while cooking. Place the container in the microwave and cook for 2 minutes take out and stir well so it doesn’t burn and put it back in with the cling wrap for another minute. Take it out of the microwave and stir again then pour it into the container you wish to use (I cook in glass then pour it into Tupperware) use cling wrap and press it against the hot chow so it is on the surface of It so no moisture will escape.